Monday, December 15, 2014

Respiratory System

This system involves taking in and exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between organs. All this takes place in the lungs. We inhale air into our lungs and then exhale air out of the lungs. Let me explain the physiology in this:

  • Ventilation: This pretty much mean how fast gas is going in and out of our lungs
  • Control: Ventilation occurs with the help of our nervous system. Part of the brain is in charge of coordinating the movement of our breathing.
  • Inhalation: This process involves the muscles in our chest and rib cages. When we inhale, our chest becomes larger because the volume inside our chest has increased. This mean our chest contracts.
  • Exhalation: This is when we exhale the air out.
  • Gas Exchange: During this process, carbon dioxide is removed as well as other gasses not needed in our body. This process is very important in keeping homeostasis balanced.
  • Immune functions: Many molecules are secreted to help defend the lungs. They can also help with infection.
  • Vocalization: The movement of gas is what help a person speak. Gas exchange is very important for communication.
  • Coughing and sneezing: This happens because of an irritation of a nerve. When we sneeze or cough, air is being forced out. But coughing can be a good thing. Coughing helps remove dust, mucus and other things from the lungs.
The respiratory can also come across some disorders. Some of those disorders are asthma and pneumonia.

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